
his grace and love

 "The Almighty has done great deeds to me and exalts the lowly people."
Sunday, August 12, 2018

  "The Almighty has done great deeds to me and exalts the lowly people."  GRACE AND LOVE  Sunday, August 12, 2018          Reading 1: Rev. 11:19a; 12:1-6a. 10ab  Psalm: Psalm 45:10 c-12.16  Reading 2:1Cor 15:20-26  The Gospel: Lk 1:39-56  HR SP Of The Assumption   "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my heart rejoices because God, my Savior "  (Lk 1,46-17)    Today we celebrate the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Heaven at once to meet our country's Independence commemoration of the 74. For that let us interpret our independence by learning from the Virgin Mary. Mary was an ordinary citizens who are certainly involved in the life of society. He felt concerned by the suffering and oppression of his people experienced as well as join the struggle to gain freedom.    Santa Maria was taken to heaven is a Dogma of the Catholic Church promulgated by Pope Pius XII in 1950: "Santa Maria without blemish, the mother of God, after completing his life on this earth has been lifted on the heavenly glory with her own body and soul." Dogma is an official Church teaching that must be adhered to by Catholics. So, don't look for these events in Scripture ... In vain.    The most important thing is to draw the strength of faith of Santa Maria. Santa Maria is a human being like us, but from the beginning he has been chosen by God for the birth of the Savior. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, Holy and without blemish. With "fiat", she faithfully accompanying her son to the cross; He performed the mission from start to finish. His life was filled with love of God. Then it should, God gives eternal life of Santa Maria.    By the Church, Santa Maria became the mother of believers, the Church, the image of an exemplary faith and perfection. Thus, we have expectations to live in heaven, has a noble example of faith and perfection, are able to cooperate with God to live noble. We prosecuted setia dan taat on faith, relying on God and resting on his life until the end of life as Santa Maria, so that we gain the reward of eternal life. If you currently receive layakkah have already passed away, heavenly reward?    More than that, with free independent he received the call and Ministry of the task to be the mother of the Saviour. With answers  "I am a servant of God, be it to me according to thy Word " (Lk 1.38), Maria took part in God's work to provide true independence, namely the liberation of mankind from the power of sin.    Mary join the fight for birth and the presence of the Savior in the midst of the world. From Nazareth to Bethlehem, and then to Egypt, returning to Nasareth, until eventually the plenary at the top of Golgotha, Mary always faithful to accompany Jesus in his struggle to save mankind. Don't just stop there, Mary remained loyal to accompany the students to face the crisis until finally found new life as a community's "early Church ". Until now, the Blessed Virgin Mary which had been glorious in heaven, of course also always faithfully accompanies our struggle to continually realize the true independence.    Prayer: Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us so that we can always take part concretely in realizing true independence for the creation of the peace and the welfare of society is fair and equitable. Amin.    The Kiss Of Peace Of Christ
his grace and love

Reading 1: Rev. 11:19a; 12:1-6a. 10ab
Psalm: Psalm 45:10 c-12.16
Reading 2:1Cor 15:20-26
The Gospel: Lk 1:39-56
HR SP Of The Assumption
 "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my heart rejoices because God, my Savior "
(Lk 1,46-17)

Today we celebrate the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Heaven at once to meet our country's Independence commemoration of the 74. For that let us interpret our independence by learning from the Virgin Mary. Mary was an ordinary citizens who are certainly involved in the life of society. He felt concerned by the suffering and oppression of his people experienced as well as join the struggle to gain freedom.

Santa Maria was taken to heaven is a Dogma of the Catholic Church promulgated by Pope Pius XII in 1950: "Santa Maria without blemish, the mother of God, after completing his life on this earth has been lifted on the heavenly glory with her own body and soul." Dogma is an official Church teaching that must be adhered to by Catholics. So, don't look for these events in Scripture ... In vain.

The most important thing is to draw the strength of faith of Santa Maria. Santa Maria is a human being like us, but from the beginning he has been chosen by God for the birth of the Savior. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, Holy and without blemish. With "fiat", she faithfully accompanying her son to the cross; He performed the mission from start to finish. His life was filled with love of God. Then it should, God gives eternal life of Santa Maria.

By the Church, Santa Maria became the mother of believers, the Church, the image of an exemplary faith and perfection. Thus, we have expectations to live in heaven, has a noble example of faith and perfection, are able to cooperate with God to live noble. We prosecuted setia dan taat on faith, relying on God and resting on his life until the end of life as Santa Maria, so that we gain the reward of eternal life. If you currently receive layakkah have already passed away, heavenly reward?

More than that, with free independent he received the call and Ministry of the task to be the mother of the Saviour. With answers  "I am a servant of God, be it to me according to thy Word " (Lk 1.38), Maria took part in God's work to provide true independence, namely the liberation of mankind from the power of sin.

Mary join the fight for birth and the presence of the Savior in the midst of the world. From Nazareth to Bethlehem, and then to Egypt, returning to Nasareth, until eventually the plenary at the top of Golgotha, Mary always faithful to accompany Jesus in his struggle to save mankind. Don't just stop there, Mary remained loyal to accompany the students to face the crisis until finally found new life as a community's "early Church ". Until now, the Blessed Virgin Mary which had been glorious in heaven, of course also always faithfully accompanies our struggle to continually realize the true independence.

Prayer: Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us so that we can always take part concretely in realizing true independence for the creation of the peace and the welfare of society is fair and equitable. Amin.

The Kiss Of Peace Of Christ


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